Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Still around

Ok I have not forgotten this blog. Its just that we have been busy with Gia (diapers, feeds and sleeping) is a time consuming job at least when I get home (Amrita is doing most of the work I take credit for). I have also been writing for other sites/blog like CHD.go as well as on GQ Digital and lets not forget Helmet Stories (which is part mine). I guess all that is going on I have to thank this blog for as it has giving me a place to vent my randomness.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Smiley happy person

Be it in the harsh mumbi rain or the sweltering heat at juhu circle stands this guy with a board and a huge smile on his face. Propagating that everyone should follow their faith and love all.

Maybe one day I shall get a board of my own and stand with him on the crossing. Weirder things have happened.
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

Sunday, October 03, 2010

remember remember the 23rd of September

Gia Nakai born on the 23rd of September 2010 in Lilavati hospital to Amrita and Vir Nakai… hmmmmm yes we are parents of a baby girl. She is the most awesome little thing i have ever put my eyes upon. Its hard to think that I had any role to play in creating such a little perfect human. Its true all your life you wander from place to place searching for things to love and its your choice but the moment you see this little thing in the hospital that is it.. Instant you don't care what who why how you just know that you are in completely and madly in love it it. Gia is a lucky girl she has been born into a world where she will be surrounded by lots and lots of people who will love her.

Well I was the first to see her that went down like so…

The room was not as hectic as i thought it would be. Amrita was owake and looking at me. I smiled and realized that she couldn't tell that i was because of the face mask that i was wearing. She looked up at me and said go see baby is here.

I thought the OT would be like out of a bollywood film big lights lots of people in scrubs staring at amrita. Turns out there were 3 docs working on amrita and a whole lot of machines beeping and blipping around here and that is it. Under the incubator was a doctor and our baby.

I walked over towards the baby and looked at it and wondered where has it come from. The doctor seeing me lifted the baby and said congratulations its a girl. Gia to be more precise (luckily we only had a girls name picked  out. The boys name had come down to Vir the IInd, Jr Vir and other such retarded options) was hardly small for a baby 2 weeks early.

Getting into scrubs of my size (let me tell you there are not many docs my size) took a bit in that much time Gia's umbilical cord had been cut. So when i saw her the doctor had put her in the incubator. She slowly opening her eyes and started moving her hands, fingers, toes, feet and whatever else she could move (i can best describe it as when a computer wakes up and does a full diagnostic check of its self and its functions. That is what she looked like she was doing).. Eyes check , 10 fingers check, 2 hands check, neck check, 2 legs check, 2 feet check, 10 toes check , vocal cords ehhhhm ehhhm WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA check… ready to rumble…

Oh my god tears of happiness oh man… But at the same time amrita who is conscious was on the other side of the room. She didn't know the sex of the baby and i could hear her calling me. I walked over to a very calm person (considering on the other side of the sheet what was going on) and told her that she had given birth to baby Gia… ohh more tears of happiness…

I got to stay with both the girls in the OT till it was over. It seemed like an hour but was hardly 20 min I think.

Gia in now 9 days old and yet it feels like she was born an hour ago. Amrita recovers a bit every day and is up and about and I now know why people say that "I am the luckiest man alive" because I AM.

Friday, April 30, 2010

R.I.P Shashank

Its weird who you bond with in an office... people you hang out with every day because you are forced to. I mean they are not bad people but your paths would never have crossed if you had not worked for the same company.

Such a person was Shashank Patrale. One of the first few people that i did meet when I joined Metal. My first off impressions were he was funny, happy (never seemed to have a problem), full of life, dedicated to his work, full of praise and admiration for the people who started this new company that we were both a part of and just an all round great person willing to help you no matter what. The dal that his wife made was mindblowing I would dip into his lunch every day just for the dal. Two days ago we ordered lunch and he paid and when i asked him how much he told me next time you get it. Fine by me!!!

Today I will no longer be able to buy Shashank lunch or share chicken lollipop from sunrise while working late night in office. Shashank passed away today evening diagnosed with Jaundice he was being admitted into hospital is what i heard at lunch today. In the evening I got a call saying he is no longer with us. Shocked and speechless I am and the rest of the metal team has no idea what has hit them.

Shashank you have left a huge void in eveybodys life that you were a part of.

"Someone explain why the good die young "
"Why the bad die slow and outlive everyone"

                                                              -2 Pac

Sunday, April 18, 2010


R.L Stevenson wrote My Shadow in which he wrote

I HAVE a little shadow that goes in and out with me.. 
And what can be the use of him is more than I can see

years ago this discribed the black and white pointer puppy we got who used to follow me in and out of the house. We named her shadow because it was so fitting. Gentle and lady like she was hardly an animal she was a part of the Nakai's. She was a great hunter too she has caught birds in mid air and squirrels while jumping from one tree to anoother. She was heart broken when Hershey died and now they can be together and run and bark at anyone on the street in Doggy heaven... 

Shadow died today an old and happy dog. 

Shadow chuhaaa go get it .... good dog
we miss you

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Questions Questions Questions

When are you going to get married? When are you going to have children? two things we hear a lot of in our country over and over again. I go to a friends house and his mother says "Vir you are married and happy find a girl for your friend" trust me it is not easy to find someone specially for him (LMAO). But we are asked over and over again. My parents have not really put these questions to us ever i think it was more of a "What are your plans guys?" a more diplomatic way of doing so.

So then on the 24th of March Amrita and I announced that we are going to be parents come October. Us as parents is a whole different piece i shall have to put down later but day before yesterday Nitin and Kismet announced this week that they are engaged we are not asking any more questions as of yet other than when are we partying in chandigarh.

The four of us Amrita, Nitin, Kismet and Me seemed to have answered these questions quite well i say what about you?

Thursday, March 11, 2010


A lady by the name of Joyshri Lobo wrote this about the women in my family my Grandma, my Masi, my Mother and my Sister. This is not so random as all these people are a part of me in some way or the other they are a huge part of my life.. check it out
Sometimes, merely being in the company of ones peers energises us. We meet, interact, discuss and catch up on the years that have gone by, and often pick up strings from the moment where we had left off. None of us appear anything like we were three decades ago, but within the frame work of wrinkles, weight gains or losses, broken bones and arthritic knees, missing or broken teeth, we do find our selves and are joyous in the re-discovery of each other. At one such gathering, we caught up with three generations of remarkable women, who do not require an appointed day or a chronicled page to point out their achievements.
As Jewel looked out of the window, I recollected the beautiful, gentle English woman who made India her home. She sang and played the piano, creating music and pure joy amongst many children who passed through the portals of the school she had pioneered. They remember her still, those young men and women. She never raised her voice nor spoke a harsh word to a colleague or pupil and was kind to a fault. Her very life can be likened to the gem she was named after.
Bonnie, the eldest daughter, wears her mother’s mantle well. Gracious and soft spoken, she has nurtured her children, grand-children and students with care and selflessness. Still lovely and the perfect hostess, she accepts compliments with humility and grace. The care she extends towards her household spills over into extensive social work around the city. Age seems to pass her by, as it does her sister Amrita.
The tomboy of the family, Amrita has a wild sense of humour and the courage to take up challenges like car rallying and teaching, the skill inherited from Jewel. She looks ridiculously youthful and probably feels even younger. Where do these women get their exuberance from? We need to learn their secret family formula.
Amrita’s daughter Kismet is as lovely and willowy as her mother. Photography is her forte’ and she is happiest working on assignments, anywhere in the country. In a few years the world might be her oyster. Who knows? She is the image of unfettered, confident, involved, educated Indian womanhood.
These are three generations of erudite, progressive women who, every day of their lives. are breaking new grounds and courageously facing challenges.
Fourteen years after its inception, the Womens Reservation Bill has started its marathon run from the Rajya Sabha. It is a historic moment at a time when some women are reaching great heights and others are victims of gender bias, khaps, murder, rape and inequality. To some extent, the bill will allow leaders to come forth as role models and fighters for justice. But will the marathon path widen to encompass more or will it narrow down due to hurdles and hiccups fom men and women totally resistent to change in what they consider inherited comfort zones? A lot of my fraternity are opposed to the liberality this bill points towards. Should we be ashamed of ourselves? I think, the four women mentioned above, have raised the bar on their own steam, based on deep rooted convictions. They required no bills or laws to guide them. Education and explanation will help us understand the paradigms offered to us. I do hope the Government will offer a little of both.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A toast to fallen friends

Death is a werid thing and all of us at some point will have to stare at it in the face. But its us who are left behind who have to deal with the loss of a person or a pet(who can be more of people than people its self).  
On Monday morning I got news of a bike accident in Bangalore of an acquaintance (a friend) and that he never made itto the hospital. Naveen Jangid and I met briefly at a couple of Rider Mania and last I saw of him was in November in Goa. I dont know more than the fact that he was a great rider and we have had a few laughs at Rider Mania. But it hit me hard to know that he had passed away and that too on his bike. He will be missed and not forgotten.

Today we had to put down Hershey after she suffered two months with cancer and a rash that was literally eating her alive. She was 12 years old and was one of the greatest dogs we have ever had. When she came home 12 years ago she was so small that we made a sweater out of a sock for her to keep warm. She grew to a size where the sock was well just a sock. whether she was sleeping on my bed when I would come home from a mad night of partying or waiting at the gate  because she had heard my bike at the corner her tail would always be wagging. A happier dog i have never seen. Hershey we will miss you. 

Tonight I drink to the great lives of Naveen and Hershey both great friends and people i was glad to have come across and share some time with. You will be missed and never forgotten. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Great Quote had to share it...

Dont tell me how educated you are, Tell me how much have you traveled ?- Prophet Muhammad

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mac D

I must admit I do enjoy a fillet of fish at Mac D's every now and then but what gets me is they have just recently launched the Chicken Mc Nugget (I cant believe it took them so long to do it) any way you can either get it with BBQ sauce or mustard... If you want both then you need to pay Rs15 for a small pouch... Now this is the same company that everywhere else in the world has tubs of differnt sauces to use and all for free but no come to India lets make these idiots pay for it? Why I ask Why?

Here is another one that gets my goat... Why cant we get a free refill (i dont even drink coke anymore) but the principal if it all is why only in india do we not get free refills. I get it we are that kind of race that goes mad when we encounter the word free.. but come one how much coke can we drink man ....Again why us why ?

On a whole different topic for later why do KFC's fries suck every where in the world you eat em?

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Ok so i never stay in real good hotels but when i do it seems house keeping is always trying to get into your room and if you don't dead lock your hotel door you can find them in your room because they thought you were out. ok whatever but what happened to the hot women in who work in housekeeping how come they are all men these days.Anyway that is a question for the ages.
Its coffee time and then to finish of that book i was reading its been a while since i read a book and now i need to finish it its nagging me.


Maybe i have not been here long enough but its the second day since we got here but i love queenstown already it has to be one of the coolest places i have visited.

Watching the sun set at 11pm last night drinking a steinlager and walking the streets of Queenstown (yes you can drink your beer in public apparently the cops don't seem to have a problem.. The cops that is a whole different discussion once i see even one we shall have it) eating super Pizzas and Hamburgers to die for are just some of the reasons everyone should come to Queenstown for..

Trust me there are many more reasons to come for but for a start those should be enough to start with..

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Easy as pie

I was not such a bad smoker who am I kidding I was. 6 months ago I quit when I turned 30 (yea i turned 30) and I am not going to bore you with the why, the how and the who of it but I must just tell you this it was Easy As Pie.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Udaipur was a better place than Mumbai to celebrate the new year. Under the stars with Amrita, Sabrina, Nyma and the whole crew of a reality show that i care not talk about in a fantastic hotel on the top of a hill looking over Udaipur and the lake palace. I mean we could have been in Chandigarh and that may have been cooler but I am not complaining. The drive there and back was not so bad either but i must say Gujrat has to be one of my least favorite states (maybe its the fact that i cant get a cold beer whenever i feel like that bugs me). I dont want to spend a moment extra there its so werid any way we didnt so no complaints there.

Well its the new year and my mind is doing the usual "What does this year hold for me" and i must tell you it is exciting i have a few things I am working on and if they work well super.

I am going to New Zealand with the wife (she is shooting a new movie) and i must say i am quite kicked. I think i always wanted to go and well I just couldnt say no to it when Amrita told me she had got me tickets to go with her.. Actually I am quite excited.

I have promised my self this year to be better on this blog (no one really reads it but hey i think its kind of thereputic for my sanity or maybe i just enjoy it whatever it is), I plan to keep my website updated ( I shall not share the link now untill I get it to the place I want it to be) and a few more random things. Lets see how this fares...

As usual Random just like i like it straight out of my head...