Gia Nakai born on the 23rd of September 2010 in Lilavati hospital to Amrita and Vir Nakai… hmmmmm yes we are parents of a baby girl. She is the most awesome little thing i have ever put my eyes upon. Its hard to think that I had any role to play in creating such a little perfect human. Its true all your life you wander from place to place searching for things to love and its your choice but the moment you see this little thing in the hospital that is it.. Instant you don't care what who why how you just know that you are in completely and madly in love it it. Gia is a lucky girl she has been born into a world where she will be surrounded by lots and lots of people who will love her.
Well I was the first to see her that went down like so…
The room was not as hectic as i thought it would be. Amrita was owake and looking at me. I smiled and realized that she couldn't tell that i was because of the face mask that i was wearing. She looked up at me and said go see baby is here.
I thought the OT would be like out of a bollywood film big lights lots of people in scrubs staring at amrita. Turns out there were 3 docs working on amrita and a whole lot of machines beeping and blipping around here and that is it. Under the incubator was a doctor and our baby.
I walked over towards the baby and looked at it and wondered where has it come from. The doctor seeing me lifted the baby and said congratulations its a girl. Gia to be more precise (luckily we only had a girls name picked out. The boys name had come down to Vir the IInd, Jr Vir and other such retarded options) was hardly small for a baby 2 weeks early.
Getting into scrubs of my size (let me tell you there are not many docs my size) took a bit in that much time Gia's umbilical cord had been cut. So when i saw her the doctor had put her in the incubator. She slowly opening her eyes and started moving her hands, fingers, toes, feet and whatever else she could move (i can best describe it as when a computer wakes up and does a full diagnostic check of its self and its functions. That is what she looked like she was doing).. Eyes check , 10 fingers check, 2 hands check, neck check, 2 legs check, 2 feet check, 10 toes check , vocal cords ehhhhm ehhhm WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA check… ready to rumble…
Oh my god tears of happiness oh man… But at the same time amrita who is conscious was on the other side of the room. She didn't know the sex of the baby and i could hear her calling me. I walked over to a very calm person (considering on the other side of the sheet what was going on) and told her that she had given birth to baby Gia… ohh more tears of happiness…
I got to stay with both the girls in the OT till it was over. It seemed like an hour but was hardly 20 min I think.
Gia in now 9 days old and yet it feels like she was born an hour ago. Amrita recovers a bit every day and is up and about and I now know why people say that "I am the luckiest man alive" because I AM.
Oil In The Blood: A film about custom motorcycles
We saw the full Oil and Blood film at Mama Tried a few weeks ago and all I
can say is I came out of the film fully motivated to start chopping up some
of ...
6 years ago
What a lovely post. Congratulations! So happy for all of you. Please give my best to the new mom as well. Can you post some pictures of the débutante?
Thanks Sayantani. Shall send out pics to you asap :)
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