Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A toast to fallen friends

Death is a werid thing and all of us at some point will have to stare at it in the face. But its us who are left behind who have to deal with the loss of a person or a pet(who can be more of people than people its self).  
On Monday morning I got news of a bike accident in Bangalore of an acquaintance (a friend) and that he never made itto the hospital. Naveen Jangid and I met briefly at a couple of Rider Mania and last I saw of him was in November in Goa. I dont know more than the fact that he was a great rider and we have had a few laughs at Rider Mania. But it hit me hard to know that he had passed away and that too on his bike. He will be missed and not forgotten.

Today we had to put down Hershey after she suffered two months with cancer and a rash that was literally eating her alive. She was 12 years old and was one of the greatest dogs we have ever had. When she came home 12 years ago she was so small that we made a sweater out of a sock for her to keep warm. She grew to a size where the sock was well just a sock. whether she was sleeping on my bed when I would come home from a mad night of partying or waiting at the gate  because she had heard my bike at the corner her tail would always be wagging. A happier dog i have never seen. Hershey we will miss you. 

Tonight I drink to the great lives of Naveen and Hershey both great friends and people i was glad to have come across and share some time with. You will be missed and never forgotten. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Great Quote had to share it...

Dont tell me how educated you are, Tell me how much have you traveled ?- Prophet Muhammad

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mac D

I must admit I do enjoy a fillet of fish at Mac D's every now and then but what gets me is they have just recently launched the Chicken Mc Nugget (I cant believe it took them so long to do it) any way you can either get it with BBQ sauce or mustard... If you want both then you need to pay Rs15 for a small pouch... Now this is the same company that everywhere else in the world has tubs of differnt sauces to use and all for free but no come to India lets make these idiots pay for it? Why I ask Why?

Here is another one that gets my goat... Why cant we get a free refill (i dont even drink coke anymore) but the principal if it all is why only in india do we not get free refills. I get it we are that kind of race that goes mad when we encounter the word free.. but come one how much coke can we drink man ....Again why us why ?

On a whole different topic for later why do KFC's fries suck every where in the world you eat em?